Orthopedic surgeon needed in New Ulm, MN! Location is only 1.5 hours from Minneapolis and the city is quaint and charming!
Rate is $250/hour
- Shift: Day 5x8-Hour (07:00 - 19:00) Monday-Friday; may look for 1:3 weekend call if associated with clinic practice during the week. Not likely to pursue weekend only call coverage.
- Support Staff: 2 APPs; 1 Orthopedic Assistant; 3 Athletic Trainers; 3 LPNs
- Full time coverage needed
- Patients per day: 25-35
- Department Description: Very active, collaborative department with generalist practice including trauma, total joint replacement, arthroscopic; sports med. Very integrated medical center with 20 specialties and built-in primary care referral pipeline.
- No robotics
- Skills Required: Generalist ortho surgery
- License required: Yes (would consider licensing if the provider can get the temp MN license or IMLC)
- Board Certification required
- Credentialing: 60-90 days (temps available if clean background and no gaps in work history)
- Housing, flights, and rental car provided
If you are interested in this position please call or text Molly Tanner with Howard Sloan at or email me at