Physician / Gastroenterology / Texas / Locum Tenens / Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology Locum job in San Antonio, TX Job at ProLocums,LLC summary:
A locum tenens physician specializing in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, providing acute inpatient care and emergency GI procedures in two hospitals in San Antonio, TX. Coverage includes weekend on-call duties and managing patient transfers based on acuity. The role requires board certification and proficiency with Cerner EMR system.
Specialty: Internal Medicine - GastroenterologyStart date:Dec 2 2022End date:OngoingCoverage type:Call OnlySchedule: Ongoing weekend ED call and acute IP unassigned consults. Coverage F 7am - M 7am. Coverage of two very close hospitals that share one provider number and medical staff. Approximately 60% of activity is at Baptist Medical Center and 40% is Mission Trail. Patients do transfer between the two facilities based on acuity and bed supply. Typically Mission Trail sends patients to Baptist Medical Center. Procedures: Urgent and emergent GI procedures as required for unassigned ER and inpatient needsSupport staff: Within the hospital procedure rooms & on the IP acute careFacility requests bids with 4 gratis hours/day included. Number Of Patients Per Shift:8-11 (initial + follow up)Number of beds in Hospital: Combination of ED & IP/2 facilitiesMinimum Board Certification: BEEMR System:Cerner
Gastroenterology, Locum Tenens, Internal Medicine, Emergency Procedures, Inpatient Care, San Antonio, Healthcare, Physician, ER Consults, Board Certified