This clinic is located 20 minutes from downtown of a metro area in North Carolina and allows for you to take over an established practice from a retiring physician in a growing community. $250K Guaranteed Salary, plus incentives like ownership potential, signing bonuses and autonomy to run the practice the way you see fit. Fully staffed with tenured personal including a young and talented NP to share the patient loadWork for a flexible, hands-off group that is open to innovative ideas Live in a community of over 500K in population. Or in a less populated area and still be near the clinic located 20 mins from downtown metro communitySeveral public and private schools that are ranked in the top 10 in the stateMultiple airports to choose from for travel needs.Enjoy all the aspects of metro living including top notch restaurants and professional sports For more information on this practice, including the exact location, please either call me, Will Jones, at or email a copy of your CV to along with your availability to discuss job all the details of this opportunity