Well respected Hospital in Southern IL has openings for a CRNA and a Lead CRNA about 1hr from St. Louis.
- OR is open M-F 630am-5p and up to 9hrs of call on Saturday and Sunday day hours only (8a-5p typically).
- Would be the early CRNA (6:30a-2p) 1/2 the time and late CRNA (630am-5p) 1/2 the time
- Late Days are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday and are rotated among the providers
- Call would be every 4th weekend at a minimum, Saturday and Sunday days hours only (8a-5pm typically) and go in as needed
- Gen Surg, GYN, ENT, GI, Ortho, Cardio (battery changes only), Pain, Podiatry, Urology, and Ophthalmology cases
- Typically, 4-8 traditional OR cases and 10-13 GI or cataracts (much shorter cases) per day
- 2 OR's, 1 Cysto Suite, 1 GI room
- CRNAs are Independent with chart oversight by our board-certified Anesthesiologist
- Competitive Salary, Full benefits, eligible for loan repayment, relocation assistance, etc.
- Job ID# 3301