Anesthesiologist Practice Profile
Location/Worksite address : Near Syracuse, New York
Dates coverage is needed: ASAP Ongoing (looking for a 6 month commitment)
Schedule/Shift times: M-F, 7a-4p. Weekend call will be 1 in 4 (Will include weekday call every third or 4th night). MD call Only, No CRNAs on call
Patient ages (children, adolescents, adults, geriatrics): Adults and healthy Peds
Types of cases/Specialty mix: Board Certification Required. General surgery, gyn, ophthalmology, ortho and GI. OB about 1 epidural per day and about 5 C-sections a week.
Support staff available (CRNA s, MA s, Scrub Techs): MD will perform own cases, as well as directing 2 CRNAs
Type of charting (EMR, paper): EPIC
Credentialing timeframe: Credentialing can be completed in 2 weeks with a clean, complete application.
Travel and lodging provided (with pre-approval)?: Yes, with pre-approval