Outpatient Only Cleveland Ohio Psychiatry Practice OptionAre you tired of getting offers from hospitals far from any big city amenities? If so, consider this your breath of fresh air. Live and work right in this dynamic metropolitan area. Are you a sports fanatic? If so, enjoy the benefit of living in a community where every sport is represented in a professional setting. Prefer the quiet tranquility of the outdoors? Enjoy the plentiful green space and the multitude of bike paths connecting the city. When you think of big cities, you think of high cost of living. Think again! This city boasts very affordable housing, a low cost of living, and a great environment to raise your children. Enjoy Professional Sports Year RoundInternational Airport Minutes AwayExceptional Shopping, World Renowned Orchestra and Fantastic DiningUrban Amenities Balanced with Outdoor RecreationProminent Private and Public School OptionsBenefit from a support team who is actively involved in the progression of this well run department that understands physician satisfaction - both professionally and personally.Sub-specialty Interests Fully SupportedShared Call ScheduleExcellent Income Potential+Exceptional BenefitsAffiliation with a University Health System - Teach in the Residency Training Program My service is available at no cost to you, and your confidentiality is of utmost importance Becky BroylesPresident A portion of our profits will go to support Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (PHONE):