Pediatric opening in Mississippi - Located in Columbus, MS - Tuscaloosa, AL 60m - Full-time, permanent position - Three year contract offered with a starting salary of $200k-$225k - Current office hours are Monday through Thursday from 7 am to 5 pm most of the year and 7 am to 4 pm during the summer - See patients from newborn until 21 years of age - After hour clinic call is taken by the Nurse Practitioners with pediatricians available as needed. - Rotate hospital call with the other pediatricians. Weeknight call is Monday through Thursday and Weekend is Friday through Sunday - Hospital holiday coverage is also rotated to ensure all providers take at least one major holiday a year - Expected to maintain hospital privileges and round for our patients as well as all pediatric patients when you are on call for the hospital - Clinic patient rounding schedule will be discussed - We currently require our Nurse Practitioners to have rounding privileges also - Physicians are expected to attend c-sections if asked by the OB to attendBenefits - Take 6 major holidays per year off as paid (New Years, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas). - Offering Major Medical with BCBS of MS. We currently cover 100% on employee plans for providers. - Health Savings Account (HSA) with match up to $250 contributions per month - Dental and vision plan (HRA). - Daycare supplement with once a year receipt of daycare payments. - Offer Aflac at the employees cost.