Neurology opening near Boston, MA- Located in Burlington, MA; Boston 2m- Full Time/Permanent- Employed- EMR: EPIC- H1b Sponsored- Working in a culture where collaboration, education and clinical research are valued, we take pride in educating fellows, residents and medical students, and in our multiple research accomplishments- In addition to providing top-notch clinical care, our neurologists are also actively involved in both research and education- We are engaged in multiple neurologic research studies, including those on stroke, epilepsy, ALS (Lou Gehrigs disease), multiple sclerosis (MS) and movement disorders- Our physicians also teach medical students from Tufts University School of Medicine (TUSM), Harvard Medical School, and UMass Medical School, and our department is home to a TUSM-affiliated residency program and two fellowship programs neurophysiology/EMG and strokeThe System is the high-quality, low-cost alternative, poised for increasing and continued success in the new health care environment as evidenced by the increase in hospital volume last year of 4% in a market that declined in hospital volume by 3.5%. We are gaining market share while at the same time practicing excellent population health management and keeping our patients happy, healthy and out of the hospital and out of the ED.In your practice when you join us you will find that we have taken the lead as a sustainable health system and a model for accountable care and patient centered medical homes in Massachusetts. You will be using EPIC for your EMR and you will be supported by staff functioning at the top of their licenses who know how to manage your needs, your day and your patients.