Internal Medicine Physician at Archway Physician Recruitment summary:
An Internal Medicine Physician specialized in HIV care, providing full-time outpatient services and primary care to LGBTQ patients in Phoenix, AZ. Responsibilities include HIV prevention, hepatitis C treatment, and anal cancer screening while engaging in a major teaching faculty practice and academic partnership. The role offers competitive compensation, comprehensive benefits, and opportunities for teaching within the community.
Internal Medicine HIV opening in Phoenix, AZ Seeking Internal Medicine physician with added qualifications for providing HIV care (AAHIVS). Full-time Outpatient HIV prevention services and primary care to LGBTQ patients, as well as hepatitis C antiviral treatment. High resolution anoscopy anal cancer screening and dysplasia treatment. Outstanding work environment. Major teaching faculty practice and academic partner. Faculty appointments are available with all three institutions. The faculty will provide a full scope of primary and HIV care with potential opportunities for teaching fellows, residents, and students, as well as performance of colposcopy or anoscopy procedures. Competitive salary, comprehensive benefits package, and employer paid malpractice coverage.Serving over 4,000 patients. It also provides HIV prevention services and primary care to LGBTQ patients, as well as hepatitis C antiviral treatment. In addition, it also provides high resolution anoscopy anal cancer screening and dysplasia treatment. 10 FQHCs and a 300+ bed hospital with the Arizona Burn Center and Level I Trauma Center providing care to the underserved population of Maricopa County.
Internal Medicine, HIV Care, LGBTQ Health, Hepatitis C Treatment, Anoscopy, Primary Care, Teaching Faculty, Outpatient Services, Phoenix AZ, Healthcare