About Us

Welcome to Thingtesting, where we are redefining how people discover and evaluate new products. At Thingtesting, our mission is to create a transparent, community-driven platform where consumers can access honest reviews, detailed insights, and authentic experiences about the latest and greatest products on the market. Weโ€™re dedicated to helping people make informed purchasing decisions by providing a space where they can find real opinions from real users.

Founded by a team of product enthusiasts and industry experts, Thingtesting offers a unique blend of user-generated content and expert reviews. Our platform is designed to be a trusted resource for discovering high-quality products and understanding their value before making a purchase. We believe in the power of community and transparency, and we strive to foster a vibrant ecosystem where voices are heard, and experiences are shared.

At Thingtesting, our culture is centered around curiosity, collaboration, and a commitment to excellence. We encourage our team members to bring their passion and creativity to the table, and we value diverse perspectives that drive innovation and growth. Our work environment is dynamic and supportive, designed to help you thrive and make a real impact.

As we continue to expand and enhance our platform, we are looking for talented individuals who are excited about shaping the future of product discovery and consumer trust. If you are enthusiastic about working in a fast-paced, forward-thinking company that values transparency and community, Thingtesting is the place for you.

New Jobs

Content & Community Lead

Full-time ย โ€ขย  Remote (United States) ย โ€ขย  $65k - $80k / year ย โ€ขย  2w ago
2w ago

Sales Associate

Full-time ย โ€ขย  Remote (United States) ย โ€ขย  $60k - $75k / year ย โ€ขย  2w ago
2w ago