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About Us

About Us

GoFundMe is the world’s largest and most trusted social fundraising platform, helping millions of people raise money for the causes that matter most to them. From supporting personal needs, medical expenses, and educational goals to championing community projects and global movements, we empower people to make a difference in the world. Our mission is to inspire hope, bring communities together, and provide a platform where anyone can make a positive impact, one donation at a time.

What We Offer

At GoFundMe, we provide an easy-to-use platform that helps people connect with the resources they need. Our services include 24/7 customer support, fraud protection, and a team dedicated to ensuring that every campaign receives the attention and guidance it deserves. Whether for personal causes or charitable organizations, we offer a safe and trusted space to raise funds and change lives.

Why Choose GoFundMe?

By choosing GoFundMe, you join a purpose-driven company committed to creating lasting change. Our platform is trusted by millions for its security, transparency, and success in helping individuals and communities meet their goals. We are passionate about innovation and empowering people to take action on the causes they care about. When you choose us, you choose a community-driven culture focused on impact, collaboration, and making the world a better place.

Join Our Team

At GoFundMe, you have the opportunity to work with a talented, compassionate, and diverse team that shares a common goal: to help others. We are always looking for individuals who are passionate about making a difference and eager to help drive positive change. Join us, and be part of a company that believes in the power of people to create meaningful change, one story at a time.

New Jobs

Full-time β€’ Remote (United States) β€’ $65k - $85k / year β€’ 2d ago
2d ago